Their mere presence floods your body with just enough endorphins to produce hope.
Romance for the Mathematical Enthusiast
How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways-
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ...
An Epigram Concerning Danny
Danny drinks heavily his Jagermeister, with whom he shares with none,
due to his insistence
on creating the largest liver in the northern hemisphere-
He smokes heavily his Marlboro's, I think, due to his insistence
on contracting the black lung like so many West Virginia coalminers-
His gait is fairly effeminate, which is why, one would presume, that he imbibes and inhales heavily his Jagermeister and Marlboro's-
In order to obfuscate the taste of cock.
Boca Raton's Arthur Levine and His Famous Sexy Lines
This Day in William Devane History
On this day in 1974, William Devane ordered an unsweetened iced tea with lemon-wedge and a tuna melt on whole wheat toast.
Those whom were present claim that he was not displeased with the sumptuous repast laid before him.
This has been another edition of This Day in William Devane History.
Carry on.